Holiday gift ideas with unique cookie baskets and boxes

We are now entering the holiday season and there is still time to send a unique holiday cookie gift. With office parties and getting together to celebrate with friends, December can be a both busy and fun.

Amid this festive revelry, finding the perfect holiday gift is sometimes a challenge! Many people and companies are often left searching for gift ideas for the holidays. This is especially the case in a society that is filled with an overload of instant gratification and a lack of time.

Finding a great holiday gift can often be seen as a problem and for some an opportunity? It comes down to how we interact with our experience and how we use our minds.

We love having the opportunity to help during this time of year with our unique Holiday cookie gift baskets and boxes.

Continue reading Holiday gift ideas with unique cookie baskets and boxes

Sweet autumn days with some delicious cookies

Crisp mornings… warm, sunny afternoons…cool evenings….what a wonderful time of the year! Kids are back in school, vacations are all done and life takes on a regularity again (if there exists such a thing). It’s also a time to catch up with good friends after busy summers, whether getting a coffee together or having an intimate dinner party during these sweet autumn days.

Continue reading Sweet autumn days with some delicious cookies

Cookie baskets to celebrate Spring

As April is finally here and the promise of Spring is visible all around the Toronto area, the signs of new life are all around us. Springtime cookie baskets are now coming hot out of the oven to welcome a new year of life unfolding.

We are renewed by our work of making better cookies for all our clients and are truly blessed to be able to serve in this way. Most of all, we are happy to be making smiles in each cookie delivery we send out. One gift at a time we have the opportunity to make a difference and that is truly awesome!

Cookie Baskets

To celebrate Spring, we thought it would be a great idea to showcase our freshly baked cookie gift baskets.

While you will not find any chocolate bunnies in these gift baskets, you will find some of the most delicious cookies you have ever tasted! And best of all, they are 100% Deliciously Vegan.

Continue reading Cookie baskets to celebrate Spring